Our Vision
At the Women’s League, we are motivated and inspired every day by this hope for the future:
All families in need of childcare for their young children will have affordable access to a safe and supportive learning environment, and their children will have access to the lifelong benefits of high-quality early childhood learning experiences. With ability to pay no longer a barrier, the playing field for early childhood education will be level.
Our Mission
Women’s League nurtures the holistic development of young children and prepares them to enter kindergarten as curious, creative, confident students who love learning and are equipped to succeed.
Women’s League fulfills this mission by:
- Taking a whole-child, family-centered approach that promotes healthy physical, emotional, and social development,
- Employing highly qualified, dedicated staff who apply proven teaching and learning strategies drawn from evidence-based educational models,
- Providing a safe, stimulating, and engaging environment for infants, toddlers, preschoolers and school-age children in a state-of-the-art facility,
- Ensuring that our programs are affordably accessible to low-income working families, and
- Leveraging local resources and partners to enrich programming and address evolving needs of parents, families, and the community.

Our Guiding Beliefs
- High-quality care and early childhood learning experiences are foundational to children’s healthy development and future success in school and life.
- Parents have the right and responsibility to be engaged in their children’s learning, and such family involvement is integral to a successful early childhood education program.
- Eradicating the implications of poverty and the educational, racial and wealth disparities facing people of color begins in places like Women’s League.
Our Core Values
the foundation underpinning and inspiring all we do and how we do it
the strategy for staying relevant and responsive to a changing environment
the basis for welcoming diversity, promoting equitable access and participation, and cultivating a sense of belonging
the commitment to equipping parents, children, and staff with the necessary tools and opportunities for success
the emotion that the experience of teaching, learning, playing, parenting, and working together to reach goals can and should evoke
the key to affirming the dignity, ability, and aspirations of each unique child, family, and colleague
the path to fostering development of shared goals and mutual accountability for progress among all stakeholders